All that gets thrown out the window when it comes to food. And most especially fruit. If it is weird or different, I immediately put it in the cart. It is too much fun to pass up.
This week, I found golden kiwis.
I sliced it up, awed by its lack of hairy skin, and popped a piece in my mouth. It was about twice as sweet as any kiwi I have ever eaten. It just tasted... golden. Even when I attempt to conjure up words to describe the flavor, I have none. It is a kiwi, but sweeter, and golden.
Discovering this random yellow fruit started me down a whole internet rabbit hole. Did you know there are a bagillion different kiwi varieties? Red, gold, green. There is even a PURPLE one. PURPLE. You can practically eat a rainbow in varieties of kiwi fruit. My point? The world is just really cool. |